
Detached pieces

Vast wire - 100 mm


In case of loss, EuroMobi offers you spare parts, the chair legs!

Easy to install, your equipment will remain perfectly functional this way!

( 0/5 )

    Chair connector stacking chair Wellington


    Wellington chair connectors are ideal for "hooking" chairs together.

    The alignment will therefore be perfect and the organization of a reception room, for example, easier!

    ( 0/5 )

      Swivel wheel with brake - 160 mm


      In case of loss, EuroMobi offers you spare parts, the chair legs!

      Easy to install, your equipment will remain perfectly functional this way!

      ( 0/5 )

        Caster for exhibition grid foot


        Wellington chair connectors are ideal for "hooking" chairs together.

        The alignment will therefore be perfect and the organization of a reception room, for example, easier!

        ( 0/5 )