Barstool Tabsu - stackable - chrome - black Price from €67.98 TI €81.90 Elegant, comfortable and robust, discover our range of Tabsu stackable stools, at competitive prices!
Barstool Tabar - Orange Price from €37.27 TI €44.90 Vintage look, bright orange color, stackable and low price, this is the Tabar high stool!
Barstool Tabar - black Price from €37.27 TI €44.90 Vintage look, stackable and low price, this is the Tabar high stool!
The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 4. Stackable bar stool - Nevada €66.90 Design, comfortable and practical, EuroMobi offers you a new trend of velvet stools! Black White Orange Red Ecru Blue Anthracite Light gray
The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 4. Stackable bar stool - Calor €54.90 Design, comfortable and practical, EuroMobi offers you a new trend of velvet stools!
The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 4. Stackable bar stool - Windson €94.90 Design, comfortable and practical, EuroMobi offers you a new trend of velvet stools! Black White Green Caramel Yellow Ocher Terracotta
Stackable bar stool - Tanzac Price from €92.88 TI €111.90 Design, comfortable and practical, EuroMobi offers you a new trend of velvet stools!
Stackable bar stool - Trenton - velvet - several colors Price from €96.20 TI €115.90 Design, comfortable and practical, EuroMobi offers you a new trend of velvet stools! Dark Green Rose Beige Anthracite